This fine fritillary is similar to both the High Brown and Dark Green Fritillaries but is a little trickier to find. Compared to these two other species it is a little smaller with darker underside veins and a tiny pale, often black-pupilled spot near the wing base. It is a widespread species but I don’t believe it is particularly numerous. I have found it on two occasions, both in mountainous areas in flowery clearings.

Distribution: Much of Europe but absent from Britain and Ireland, SW Iberia, coastal Italy, most Mediterranean islands and N Fennoscandia.

Flight Period: May-August, peaking in July in most areas. Flies in 1 brood.

Habitat: Dry meadows, light scrub, woodland clearings, usually in hilly or mountainous areas in the south of its range.

Foodplants: Various Violet species (Viola).

Nectar Sources: Fond of clovers (Trifolium), but also thistles (Cirsium, Craduus), knapweeds (Centaurea), Betony (Betonica officinalis), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), hawkweeds (Hieracium) and others.
