In my opinion this is the most attractive of the gatekeeper species, with its prominent pale underside band and row of eyespots. It is also the most restricted in terms of its geographical range, being confined to Iberia and southern France. It can however be abundant where found, with individuals clustering in large numbers on plants such as Shrubby Everlasting (Helichrysum stoechas) or basking in dappled sunlight in May and June.
Distribution: Iberian Peninsula across to southern France. Absent from the NW of Spain and the northern coastal region.
Flight Period: Late March-September, peaking in May and June.
Habitat: Grassy areas, maquis, scrub, light pine woodland and woodland clearings from 250-1700m.
Foodplants: Grasses such as false bromes (Brachypodium) and Rough Meadow Grass (Poa trivialis).
Nectar Sources: Various, such as Shrubby Everlasting (Helichrysum stoechas), brambles (Rubus) and scabiouses (Knautia) among others.
- Spanish Gatekeeper, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, May 2024
- Spanish Gatekeeper, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, May 2024
- Spanish Gatekeeper, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, May 2024
- Spanish Gatekeeper, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, July 2020