This butterfly was by far the most common butterfly I saw in the Algarve in Portugal. It is similar to the Gatekeeper found in Britain and Ireland but has more rounded wings and a more prominent orange patch on the upperside. As its name suggests it is only found in the south of Europe. Any time I have seen this species it has been busy feeding on nectar-rich flowers, often quite obliviously.

Distribution: Most of Iberia, southern France, peninsular Italy, Dalmatian coast and most of Greece. Also Corsica, Sicily and Corfu.

Flight Period: June-August in 1 brood.

Habitat: Grassland, scrub, Maquis, dry meadows to about 1200m.

Foodplants: Various species of grass (Poaceae).

Nectar Sources: Clustered Carline Thistle (Carlina corymbosa), Eryngium, Vervain (Verbena officinalis), thymes (Thymus), scabiouses (Knautia) etc.
