This species was fairly common in the Algarve, which is not surprising considering how much Sage (Phlomis) grows in the area. It is a fairly large skipper with unique upperside markings, with quite a ‘furry’ appearance and a subtle bluish sheen on its upperside. It is a warmth-loving species and is one of the more common Muschampia species in Europe.

Distribution: Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean coast of France.

Flight Period: April-October in 1 prolonged brood.

Habitat: Maquis, Mediterranean scrub, dry woodland clearings and brownfield land up to 1600m.

Foodplants: Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis fructosa), Iranian Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis herba-venti) and  Phlomis lychnitis .

Nectar sources: I observed it feeding on Clustered Carline Thistle (Carlina corymbosa) and Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris).
