This species is one of the largest of the Pyrgus skippers found in Europe, although this is not always apparent in the field. What it does have however which are a more reliable means of identification are capital ‘sigma’ markings on its upperside and a distinct pattern of white blotches on the underside. Oddly enough, it seems to have no apparent association with the Safflower, despite its name. I saw several in Romania where they seemed very much preoccupied with Yarrow flowers, allowing me to get some good views.
Distribution: Central and southern Europe as far north as Lithuania. It is absent from W and N Iberia, most of peninsular Italy, S Greece and the Mediterranean islands.
Flight Period: Late May- September in 1 prolonged brood.
Habitat: Warm meadows, steppe, scrub, open woodland clearings, rocky flowery areas from 500-1800m.
Foodplants: Primarily cinquefoils (Potentilla) but also mallows (Malva).
Nectar Sources: Dandelions (Taracaxum), scabiouses (Knautia), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), hawkweeds (Hieracium), Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and others.
- Safflower Skipper, Cluj, Romania, June 2019
- Safflower Skipper, Cluj, Romania, June 2019