A fairly widespread species across much the Europe but absent from Britain and Ireland, this butterfly has numerous eyespots and a prominent broad white band on its underside, making it fairly distinctive and helping to separate it from its relatives. I have found it to be fairly common in warm, flowery meadows in hilly areas.

Distribution: Most of Europe although absent from Britain, southern Iberia and most of Fennoscandia.

Flight Period: May-August in 1 long generation.

Habitat: Field margins, meadows, bushy scrub, woodland clearings up to 1800m.

Foodplants: Various grasses, such as meadow grasses (Poa).

Nectar Sources: Brambles (Rubus), thymes (Thymus), Ragwort (Jacobea vulgaris), umbelifers (Umbelliferae), scabiouses (Knautia) and thistles (Cirsium) among others.
