Superficially similar to the Red-underwing Skipper, this species has a paler, often greener underside and is only found in eastern Europe. It prefers warmer areas and  flies fast and close to the ground, stopping every so often to feed on low-growing flowers. The specimen in the photograph is the only individual I managed to find whilst I was in Croatia.

Distribution: Eastern Europe, from Slovenia and the Czech Republic south towards Greece.

Flight Period: Mid April-August in multiple broods.

Habitat: Dry scrub, woodland edges, dry field margins, maquis up to 2000m.

Foodplants: Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor).

Nectar Sources: Scabiouses (Knautia), hawkweeds (Hieracium), Eryngium and carline thistles (Carlina).
