A widespread species similar to the Assmann’s Fritillary with which it can fly alongside but it is said to be lighter and with a slight dusky suffusion. The most reliable method is to analyse the genitalia. It is a more widespread species however and tends to inhabit drier areas.

Distribution: Central and eastern Europe, from C France to Estonia in the north and North Macedonia in the south, more widespread and common in the east.

Flight Period: May-late July in 1 brood.

Habitat: Light open scrub, grassy areas, meadows, damp grassland, heaths.

Foodplants: Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata).

Nectar Sources: Clovers (Trifolium), Allium, knapweeds (Centaurea), umbelifers (Umbelliferae) etc.
