This butterfly is one of the Melanargia species which replaces the Marbled White in the Iberian Peninsula. It differs from its relatives by having a unique pattern on both its upperside and underside, generally with fewer black markings. When I walked the Camino it was probably the most numerous species flying at the time, being seen bobbing from flower to flower in most meadows and grassy lay-bys that we came across.
Distribution: Iberian Peninsula and parts of southern France.
Flight Period: May-July in 1 brood, peaking in June.
Habitat: Flowery scrub, field margins, brownfield land and woodland edges to about 1500m.
Foodplants: Various grasses (Poaceae).
Nectar Sources: Brambles (Rubus), knapweeds (Centaurea), thistles (Cirsium, Carduus), scabiouses (Knautia), vetches (Vicia) and others.
- Iberian Marbled White, Sarria, Spain, June 2017
- Iberian Marbled White, Sarria, Spain, June 2017
- Iberian Marbled White, Sarria, Spain, June 2017
- Timothy Grass, Phleum pratense, possibly one of the grasses used by the larvae.