An unusual species in that some individuals are almost jet black in colour and no other ringlet is quite as dark as this one, particularly within its range making identification fairly straightforward. It also lacks the orange-red bands typical of the Erebia genus. It often flies in pale limestone areas where it sticks out quite conspicuously, but can be hard to approach in bright sunshine.
Distribution: SE Europe. Scattered in mountainous areas of the Balkans and Greece; as far north as Slovenia and the Carpathians in Romania.
Flight Period: Mid July-mid September in 1 brood.
Habitat: Grassy mountainsides, rocky hillsides and sub-alpine meadows; generally above 1500m but found at lower altitudes in Romania.
Foodplants: Grasses such as Sheep’s Fescue (Festuca ovina).
Nectar Sources: Not an avid nectar-feeder but will visit thistles (Cirsium/Carduus sp.), thymes (Thymus), knapweeds (Centaurea) and various mountain flowers.
- Black Ringlet, Paklenica, Croatia, July 2018