The Bath White is so called because one of the first records of this species in Britain was in the southwest of England in the city of Bath. It is primarily a continental species but as it is a strong migrant individuals are sometimes seen in Britain and Ireland. It is virtually identical to the Eastern Bath White and can only be separated by genetic analysis. I observed a few individuals in the hills of southern Portugal where like other Pontia species it was fast and restless.

Distribution: Resident in southern and western Europe as far as W Italy, although occasionally seen further north, in the UK for example.

Flight Period: March-October in multiple broods; most numerous in summer.

Habitat: Open grassy areas, meadows, scrub, cultivated areas, forest edges at a wide range of altitudes.

Foodplant:  Primarily Mignonette (Reseda lutea) but also members of the cabbage family (Brassicae) such as Iberis, Descurainia and Sinapis.

Nectar Sources: Seems to favour its foodplants as nectar sources. Also Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris), thymes (Thymus sp.) and scabiouses (Scabiosa sp.).
