A distinctive and rather attractive medium-sized shieldbug species with a bright turquoise-blue iridescence across much of its body surface. It is unlikely to be confused with any other species. It does however bear a curious resemblance to its primary prey species, which is a similarly-coloured leaf beetle Altica lythri.
Distribution in Ireland: Widespread but local, with fewer records towards the west, southwest and north.
Habitat: Associated with damp habitats such as wet grassland, damp pasture, fens, pond edges, lakeshores and damp bog margins. May wander into wooded areas.
Habits: This is one of our carnivorous species which preys primarily on the chrysomelid beetle Altica lythri, although in bogland habitats it will also prey upon the Heather Beetle Lochmaea suturalis. It typically occurs low down on herbaceous vegetation, particularly on Meadowsweet. Sweep-netting or beating herbaceous plants in damp habitats can be an effective way to find it, although it can be elusive. Overwintering habits are poorly know in Ireland, but it is expected to use leaf litter and damp tussocks around woodland edges and within its wetland habitats.