This is a dazzling springtime species of the Iberian Peninsula, southern france and nortwestern Africa. It is a rather large butterfly with striking cream, red and black patterning. It is not easily confused with other species, except in southern France where the Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena) flies. That species lacks the strong reddish colouration on the forewing and also has blue markings on the hindwing.
Distribution: In Europe, this species flies throughout the Iberian Peninsula, as well as southern France.
Flight Period: Flies in a single generation between March and June, peaking in April and May.
Habitat: Typically maquis, scrub, woodland edges, rocky grassland and margins of cultivation close to where its foodplant grows
Foodplants: Birthworts (Aristolochia).
Nectar Sources: Lavenders (Lavendula) are favoured, but thymes (Thymus) and various composite flowers (Asteraceae) are also popular.
- Spanish Festoon, Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Spain, May 2024
- Spanish Festoon, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, May 2024
- Habitat near Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Spain