A southern cousin of the White Admiral which, as its name suggests occurs in southern Europe where it can be locally numerous. It is an attractive species with a rich navy upperside and a contrasting red and white underside. It has a wonderfully slow, gliding flight as it patrols along its woodland habitat.
Distribution: Northern Iberia and throughout the Mediterranean and the Balkans as far north as Switzerland.
Flight Period: May-August in 1 brood.
Habitat: Dry or damp woodland clearings and margins up to 1600m.
Foodplants: Honeysuckle (Lonicera).
Nectar sources: Privet (Ligustrum), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), thymes (Thymus), umbellifers (Umbelliferae), brambles (Rubus), Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum).
- Southern White Admiral, Zadar, Croatia July 2018
- Southern White Admiral, Zadar, Croatia, July 2018
- Southern White Admiral, Zadar, Croatia July 2018