This is a very similar species to the Small White, but the back markings in the apex of the forewings stretch down the wing edge.
Distribution: Sporadic in Spain, commoner in France, Italy, Switzerland and throughout the Balkans and Greece, as far north as Poland. Generally more common the further east one travels. Spreading northwards as a result of climate change and has recently been recorded in the Netherlands.
Flight Period: March-September in several broods, generally peaking from April-August.
Habitat: Scrub, grassy areas, maquis, woodland clearings; usually in hot, dry areas.
Foodplants: Candytuft (Iberis).
Nectar Sources: Thistles (Cirsium), scabiouses (Knautia), knapweeds (Centaurea), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), thymes (Thymus).
- Southern Small White, Nerja, Spain, July 2020
- Perennial Candytuft, Iberis sempervirens, one of the larval foodplants.