Like a southern form of the Comma with sparser black markings and a paler underside. It also has a ‘y’ marking on its underside rather than a ‘comma’ shape. It is fond of hot rocky areas for basking and can be quite wary in my experience, making photography tricky! I was able to find one in one of the karst ravines in Paklenica NP in Croatia, where they can be quite common.
Distribution: Mediterranean regions from France eastwards; generally near the coast.
Flight Period: May-October in 2 or 3 broods, with hibernated individuals appearing in March.
Habitat: Rocky scrub, ravines, dry, stony hillsides and often around old stone walls which provide habitat for its foodplant and a good opportunity to bask in the hot Mediterranean sun. Mostly below 1100m.
Foodplant: Eastern Pellitory (Parietaria officinalis).
Nectar Sources: Eryngium, scabiouses (Knautia), thymes (Thymus).
- Southern Comma, Paklenica, Croatia, July 2018