A rather local yet distinctive butterfly which displays a classic boreo-alpine distribution. In the south it is found in the Pyrenees and Alps, whilst in the north is is found in Sweden and Finland. Males have a rather pale, powdery-blue upperside with broad brown margins whilst females have a uniform brown upperside. Both sexes have a buffish-grey underside with a rather faint white stripe and weak black spots. In my limited experience it seems to occur in relatively low numbers and it can be very local.
Distribution: The subspecies nicias is found in the eastern Pyrenees of France, Spain and Andorra, as well as the Basses Alps of France, NW Italin Alps and around Valais and Engandine in Switzerland. The subspecies scandica occurs in eastern central Sweden and southern Finland. Very local.
Flight Period: Flies in a single generation between early July until late August.
Habitat: In the Alps and Pyrenees it frequents lush woodland clearings, damp open-structured woodland and lush alpine meadows, from 1000 – 2300m but generally above 1500m. In Fennoscandia it flies below 300m in warm woodland clearings, flower-rich grasslands and dune systems.
Foodplants: Cranesbills, such as Geranium pratense or G. sylvaticum.
Nectar Sources: Sometimes visits flowers of cranesbills (Geranium), thymes (Thymus) or sainfoins (Onobrychis). Males can also be found mudpuddling on damp mud or stony ground.
- Silvery Argus, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Silvery Argus, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Silvery Argus, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Silvery Argus, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Silvery Argus, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023