A very strong migrant, this butterfly is native to North Africa and migrates north every year, regularly reaching the north of Ireland and in some years it arrives on our shores in huge numbers. It is an impressive species with a strong liking for rich nectar sources and will often be found on Buddleia and Thistles.
Distribution: Resident in North Africa but migrates to all Europe in warmer weather. Commoner in the south.
Flight Period: March-October in the north, but commoner from May-August. Can be seen in most months in southern Europe.
Habitat: Anywhere with flowers.
Foodplants: Primarily thistles (Cirsium, Carduus), but also mallows (Malva) and Nettle (Urtica dioica).
Nectar sources: Buddleia, thistles (Cirsium, Carduus), brambles (Rubus), knapweeds (Centaurea), bugles (Ajuga), hawkweeds (Hieracium), Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris), Ivy (Hedera helix), Privet (Ligustrum vulgare).
- Painted Lady, E Down, Ireland, August 2015
- Painted Lady, Slieve Gullion, Ireland, August 2023
- Painted Lady, Lisburn, Ireland, July 2019
- Painted Lady, E Down, Ireland, August 2015
- Painted Lady, Zadar, Croatia, July 2018