This species is like a slightly smaller, more delicate version of the Small White, with which it can fly in hilly areas throughout Europe. It is also less heavily marked than its relatives. I have only ever found one example of this species which was in the Velebit Mts in Croatia where the individual in question was inconspicuously flying low among some wayside flowers.
Distribution: North and east Spain, southern France, central Italy, the Balkans, Greece and scattered in Romania. It is more abundant in the east.
Flight Period: April-August in multiple broods.
Habitat: Grassy hillsides, rocky scrub, woodland margins, often on limestone and generally at higher altitudes, 500-1900m
Foodplants: Candytufts (Iberis) and Woad (Isatis tinctoria).
Nectar Sources: Thymes (Thymus), scabiouses (Knautia), thistles (Cirsium), toadflaxes (Linaria) and other flowers.
- Mountain Small White, Paklenica, Croatia, July 2018
- Perennial Candytuft, Iberis sempervirens, one of the larval foodplants.