The smallest of the Vanessids, this species is so called because of the map-like markings on its underside. It also shows strong seasonal dimorphism; i.e. the appearance of individuals across alternate generations varies greatly. In the spring broods individuals resemble a small fritillary whereas those of the summer brood look more like small White Admirals. It was previously introduced to Britain where a successful albeit small colony was established before being wiped out by collectors. It is now illegal to introduce the species there.
Distribution: Central Europe from France eastwards. Absent from the Mediterranean, Fennoscandia and Britain.
Flight Period: May-August in 2 broods.
Habitat: Woodland rides and clearings, often on damp ground.
Foodplants: Nettle (Urtica dioica).
Nectar Sources: Umbelifers; e.g. Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) as well as dandelions (Taraxacum), buttercups (Ranunculus), Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum).
- Map Butterfly (reared) May 2017