Closely resembling the Long-tailed Blue, this species is smaller with a distinctive, greyer underside. It is a strong migrant which can turn up in almost any habitat, although it is more numerous in agricultural areas, parks and gardens along Mediterranean coastlines. I saw one very flighty individual in Croatia which didn’t let me get very close, but I have since seen it in southern Spain.

Distribution: The Mediterranean, including the Iberian Peninsula, southern France, Italy, W Balkans and Greece. Migrates north each year to central Europe.

Flight Period: February to October in multiple broods.

Habitat: Almost anywhere, but very often in scrub, maquis, brownfield land, Mediterranean farmland and cultivated areas. As high as 1200m.

Foodplants: A wide range of Legumes (Fabaceae) and sometimes heathers (Erica), loostrifes (Lythrum) and roses (Rosa).

Nectar Sources: Umbellifers (Umbellifeae), hawkweeds (Hieracium), thymes (Thymus) and a wide range of other flowers. Occasionally mudpuddles.
