The Heath Fritillary is one of the most common and widespread Melitaea fritillaries in Europe, although it is rare in Britain, being confined to Devon and the SE of England. It is also believed to have once occurred in Ireland around Killarney. Its foodplant Common Cow Wheat is found here so it may have inhabited the area at one stage, although probably not for many years. It is a variable species and many forms occur across Europe.
Distribution: Most of Europe, although absent from S Iberia (except Sierra Nevada), Ireland, most of Britain, S Greece and the Mediterranean islands.
Flight Period: May- August in one or two broods.
Habitat: Meadows, woodland clearings and edges, heaths, light scrub, flowery bushy areas.
Foodplant: Primarily Common Cow Wheat (Melampyrum pratense) but sometimes plantains (Plantago), toadflaxes (Linaria) or speedwells (Veronica).
Nectar Sources: Hawkweeds (Hieracium), dandelions (Taracaxum officinale), thymes (Thymus), scabiouses (Knautia), daisies (Asteraceae) and others.
- Heath Fritillary, Gavarnie, France, July 2019
- Heath Fritillary, Gavarnie, France, July 2019
- Heath Fritillary (l) with Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Apuseni Mts, Romania, May 2019
- Heath Fritillary, Gavarnie, France, July 2019
- Heath Fritillary, Gavarnie, France, July 2019