This species is the eastern counterpart of the Baton Blue, being slightly larger with bolder orange markings. Other than that it is very similar, occupying a similar niche and being found in similar habitats. The subspecies I found Romania, P. vicrama schiffermuelleri, is larger and more heavily marked again. Although reportedly widespread in the eastern part of Europe, it seems to be seen much more frequently in Greece than further north, although this may simply reflect Greece’s popularity as a ‘butterflying’ destination.
Distribution: Most of Europe east of Czech Republic and Slovenia, although in Finland only found in SW.
Flight Period: Mid April- August in 2 broods.
Habitat: Dry meadows, steppe, calcareous grassland, light rocky scrub up to about 2000m.
Foodplants: Thymes (Thymus)and savory (Satureja).
Nectar Sources: Thymes (Thymus), savory (Satureja), hawkweeds (Hieracium), scabiouses (Knautia).
- Eastern Baton Blue, Apuseni Mts, Romania, May 2019
- Wild Thyme, Thymus polytrichus, one of the larval foodplants.