An attractive species bearing a remarkable resemblance to the more frequently encountered Common Blue. It can however be reliably separated as it has a prominent white patch on the underside hindwing and lacks a forewing spot near the wing base which is possessed by the Common Blue. The males also have more prominent andriconal scaling on the upperside. It is also more particular when it comes to habitat, preferring warm meadows and areas of neglected cultivation where its foodplant thrives. I failed to find it in Portugal (where it is rare) in 2016, but there were plenty to be found near Cluj-napoca in Romania when I visited in 2019 and again near Cogne in Italy in 2023.
Distribution: Central and southern Europe as far north as Germany, although absent from much of Iberia and most Mediterranean islands.
Flight Period: Mid April-August in two broods, although in hot areas the second brood may fail to emerge.
Habitat: Warm meadows, flowery areas, field margins, verges, light flowery scrub below 1700m.
Foodplant: Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and Cockshead Sainfoin (Onobrychis caput-galli)
Nectar Sources: A wide variety of legumes as well as other small flowers.
- Chapman’s Blue, Cluj, Romania, June 2019
- Chapman’s Blue, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Chapman’s Blue, Cluj, Romania, June 2019
- Chapman’s Blue, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Chapman’s Blue, Cluj, Romania, June 2019