This is one easier Pyrgus species to identify. It is about average size for a Pyrgus skipper, with diffuse hindwing markings and a distinct ‘C’ shaped white spot on the forewing. The underside is reddish in colour with a unique pattern of white spots. It is not a widespread insect but can be locally common where found.
Distribution: Restricted to the Alps of SE France, NW and N Italy and the southern half of Switzerland.
Flight Period: Flies in a single generation between early July and mid-August.
Habitat: Inhabits warm dry valleys, meadows and rocky alpine pasture from 1000-2800m, although usually more prevalent around the 2000m mark.
Foodplants: Rockroses, particularly Potentilla pusilla.
Nectar Sources: A variety of flowers including knapweeds (Centaurea), hawkweeds (Hieracium), scabiouses (Scabiosa), thymes (Thymus) and yarrows (Achillea).
- Carline Skipper, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Carline Skipper, Val di Cogne, Italy, July 2023
- Potentilla pusilla