In Ireland this species exists only in small colonies in Galway and Clare in the vicinity of the Burren. Elsewhere in Europe however, it is widespread in mature deciduous woodlands although it is rarely abundant. It is a medium-sized, elusive butterfly which spends much of its time congregating in the canopy with an apparent preference for Ash trees. These habits can make it difficult to observe but females will sometimes descend to feed on flowers such as brambles or Hemp Agrimony. It is the largest of the hairstreaks and has a strong orange-brown underside.
Distribution: Much of Europe but absent from Portugal and many Mediterranean regions as well as much of Britain, Ireland and Fennoscandia.
Flight Period: July-September in 1 brood. It is often the latest species to emerge from pupation each year in many areas.
Habitat: Woodland rides, mature hedgerows and forests and wooded scrub, usually at lower altitudes.
Foodplants: Larvae feed solely on Blackthorn leaves (Prunus spinosa).
Nectar Sources: Prefers to feed on honeydew but will descend from the treetops to feed on Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannbinum), brambles (Rubus), thistles (Cirsium), hogweeds (Heracleum) and Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris).
- Brown Hairstreak, Ireland, July 2017
- Brown Hairstreak, Ireland, July 2017
- Brown Hairstreak Larva
- Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa, the sole larval foodplant.