This is a charming butterfly which possesses the typical appearance of the anomalous blues in Europe, with a beige underside and rich chocolate-brown upperside. Luckily its distribution does not overlap with any of its relatives as it is confined to southern Spain, so identification is easy. There are two subspecies within its limited range, with ssp. violetae possessing the white underside stripe and the ssp. subbaeticus lacking it. In both cases the males have a slightly ‘furry’ upperside forewing (the presence of sex scales) and the female is slightly larger and darker. It is a sedentary species which tends not to venture from its preferred habitat. It is classed as Vulnerable in Europe and is protected.
Distribution: Confined to the mountains of the Andalusian region of southern Spain, specifically in the Sierra de Tejeda, S. de Almijara, S. de Segura, S. de Cazorla, S. de Alcaraz and S. de la Losa.
Flight Period: Late June-early August in 1 brood.
Habitat: Dry upland meadows, stony clearings, grassy hillsides between 1100m and 1800m.
Foodplants: The sainfoin Onobrychis argentea and possibly other sainfoins.
Nectar Sources: Fond of Field Eryngo (Erygium campestre).
- Andalusian Anomalous Blue, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, July 2020
- Andalusian Anomalous Blue, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, July 2020
- Andalusian Anomalous Blue, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, July 2020
- Andalusian Anomalous Blue, Sierra de Almijara, Spain, July 2020