The genus Systropha is represented by only a handful of species in Europe and has recently undergone a taxonomic revision. The species Systropha grandimargo is considered distinct from Systropha planidens, which is found in central and eastern Europe. They are unusual bees with clubbed antannae and forage on bindweeds.
Distribution: Found in southwest Europe in Portugal, Spain, southern France and Corsica. Local but can be common where found.
Flight Period: The sparse data suggests April-July.
Habitat: Found in a variety of habitats including flower-rich field margins, maquis, coastal cliffs, brownfield land and woodland edges.
Flowers Visited: Females are oligolectic on bindweeds, particularly Convolvulus althaeoides.
Personal Records: I have observed this species near the village of Sao Rafael outside Albufeira, Portugal. Females were abundant here and were foraging on Convolvulus althaeoides in brownfield land, scrub and around coastal cliffs.
- Systropha planidens (Female), Sao Rafael, Portugal