This is a widely distributed member of the subgenus Taeniandrena, characterised by their wide head, relatively flat clypeus, partially-banded abdomen and preference for foraging on legumes (Fabaceae). Females possess a dull brown tuft of hair at the rear end of the abdomen (terminal fringe), a complete band of off-white hair on tergite 3 and densely punctured tergites, particularly tergites 2-4. The tibia and basitarsi may be orange or brown. Males are somewhat similar but smaller and duller. They are best confirmed by examining the genitalia.
Distribution: Found throughout most of Europe, but absent fron Ireland and northern Fennoscandia.
Flight Period: Bivoltine in most areas, flying between March-May/June, then again from June-August, depending on altitude and latitude.
Habitat: Typically encountered in open habitats with abundant Fabaceae, including scrub, brownfield land, dry meadows, agricultural margins, maquis, coastal dunes and heathland.
Flowers Visited: Females forage solely on Fabaceae, particularly gorses (Ulex) and brooms (Genista, Cytisus), but also clovers (Trifolium) and kidney vetches (Anthyllis).
Personal Records: I have encountered females of this species in the Sierra de Gádor in southeastern Spain.
- Andrena ovatula (Female), Sierra de Gádor, Spain
- Andrena ovatula (Female)
- Andrena ovatula (Female) abdomen and hindleg
- Andrena ovatula (Female) abdomen showing the brown-haired terminal fringe
- Andrena ovatula (Female) face
- European Gorse (Ulex europaeus)