This is one of the Taeniandrena, characterised by a broad head, flat clypeus, partially-banded abdomen and a preference for legumes (Fabaceae). Females possess a orange-brown thoracic pile, pale facial hairs, orange hindleg hairs and terminal fringe, a obscurely punctured, dull abdomen and a densely punctured and dull clypeus. Males are similar but lack abdominal bands and are generally somewhat duller in colour. They are best confirmed by checking the genitalia. This species was previously known as Andrena similis.
Distribution: This species is present in much of Europe, but is absent from Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands. It is also present in Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jorda, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.
Flight Period: Univoltine, between March – July, depending on latitude and altitude.
Habitat: Occurs in a variety of habitats provided there are abundant Fabaceae, including calcareous grassland, woodland margins, heathland, maquis, brownfield land and meadows.
Flowers Visited: Females forage on Fabaceae, including clovers (Trifolium), bird’s-foot trefoils (Lotus), gorses (Ulex) and brooms (Cytisus, Genista).
Personal Records: I have encountered this species near Antequera in southern Spain. Here females could be observed foraging on various Genista plants during early May.
- Andrena russula (Female), Antequera, Spain
- Andrena russula (Female)
- Andrena russula (Female) abdomen showing the obscurely punctured first and second tergites
- Andrena russula (Female) abdomen and hindleg, showing the orange terminal fringe and orange hindlegs
- Andrena russula (Female) face showing the densely punctured and relatively dull clypeus
- Habitat at Antequera, Spain