This is a relatively large and variable Nomada. The form found in the Iberian peninsula typically has a blood-red abdomen, legs and antennae, with a predominantly black thoax and head with yellow spots on the scutellum. Other forms in Europe possess yellow and black banding on tegites 2-6, whilst there are many intermediate forms. Its hosts are believed to be Andrena optata and Andrena truncatilabris.
Distribution: This is a widespread species in central and southern Europe, from Portugal to Greece as far north as Germany. It is also present on some of the larger Mediterranean islands such as Corsica and Sicilly.
Flight Period: Single-brooded from February to July, depending on the location.
Habitat: Occurs in a wide range of habitats frequented by its hosts, including flower-rich field margins, maquis and scrub.
Flowers Visited: Information is sparse, but ir has been observed on French Lavender, Shrubby Everlasting and Sweet Yarrow.
Personal Records: I have recorded this species once, near the town of Loule in southern Portugal. Here I found a female feeding on French Lavender in an area of maquis.
- Nomada basalis (Female), Loule, Portugal