This is one of the Chlorandrena species which is oligolectic on yellow composite flowers (Asteraceae). The females are similar in appearance to the more widespread Andrena humilis, with a tuft of golden hairs on the tip of the abdomen and consipcuous orange hind tibia. Individuals are best confirmed by examinating them under a microscope.

Distribution: A species of southern and western Europe, from Portugal through Spain and Italy.

Flight Period: Flies in a single generation between April and June.

Habitat: Found in a variety of habitats such as maquis, flower-rich field margins and sunny woodland clearings and edges.

Flowers Visited: Females visit a wide variety of yellow composite flowers (Asteraceae).

Personal Records: I have recorded this species near the village of Querenca in southern Portugal. Here several females were observed foraging on yellow composite flowers in maquis-type habitat.