This is a large, rather nondescript species which is restricted to the Iberian Peninsula. Females are fairly large in size with a short grey thoracic pile which is sparser in the centre. The abdomen is black, densely-punctured and shiny with a dark brown terminal fringe and sparse pale grey hairs on the underside and on the first tergite. Small tufts of dense grey hair are also present on the margins of tergites 3, 4 and 5. The hind tibia hair is bicoloured (dark brown and off-white) and the antennae are lightened orange at the tips. Males are slimmer and predominantly black with sparse pale grey hairs. They are best confirmed using the genitalia.

Distribution: This species is endemic to the Spain and Portugal, where it is most frequent in southern and central areas.

Flight Period: It appears to be univoltine in spring, flying in April and May. It possibly flies in March and June as well.

Habitat: Little information exists, but I have encountered it in dry, open sites like stoney grassland, brownfield land and steppic grassland where mignonettes (Resedaceae) grow.

Flowers Visited: Females collect pollen from mignonettes (Resedaceae), such as Weld (Reseda luteola). Males also visit these plants for nectar.

Personal Records: I have encountered this species at several sites in Spain. I observed females collecting pollen from Weld in the Sierra de Gádor in the south. I also observed females and males at several sites around southeastern Madrid, both visiting flowers of Weld.