This species gets its name from two tiny ‘tails’ on its hindwings. It is an attractive continental species with the male processing violet-blue uppersides and both sexes having a silver-grey underside. The orange spots on the hindwing are a diagnostic feature as they are absent or vestigial in the otherwise similar Provencal and Eastern Short-tailed Blues. In my experience it is quite a common late spring/early summer species of meadows and fields; I observed several dozen of them in northern Spain in June 2017 and again in Romania in May 2019.

Distribution: Much of Europe. Absent from Portugal, southern Spain, most of Italy and Greece, Britain, Fennoscandia and the Mediterranean islands.

Flight Period: Late April-August in 2 broods.

Habitat: Flowery meadows, scrub, woodland clearings and field margins up to 1000m.

Foodplants: Red Clover (Trifolium pratense), but sometimes Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), Lucerne (Medicago sativa)and other vetches.

Nectar Sources: Clovers (Trifolium), bramble (Rubus), Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus).
